
Tuesday, January 27, 2015

I did it, I painted my bathroom floor...

I hate my old linoleum. Hate hate hate. I know it could be worse, I'm glad it's not since it goes through most of my house. I want to replace it, but I'm cheap and there are other things I would rather spend my $$ on. Like these minerals for my goats, but even those are way down the list.

So my ugly linoleum stays. Kind of...

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

I'll pass on the sick, thanks

My family is sick... They have been for quite a while now. Poor people. I have managed to mostly stay away from it though. That makes dealing with all the sick kids a lot easier. I'll admit it, I don't like to take care of other people or even the animals when I'm under the weather. It makes me grumpy and selfish. Shame on me... So it's really important for me to stay away from all the germs. Nobody likes a grumpy mama...
How have I managed to stay away from the worst of the sick? Simple, elderberry syrup.