We're down to half a horse. It's a very sad thing, but it takes a lot of weight off our shoulders.
We made the decision a few weeks ago to sell our mustang mare, Penny. She's a great horse, but we don't have any grassy pasture and horses eat a LOT. We couldn't justify the cost of hay with the amount of use we were able to get from Penny. Not because of her at all, but because we just didn't have the time to use her as often as we would have liked.
Riding is my all time favorite activity so it's sad not to have that option right out my door anymore, but it's not like I went out a lot either. It's hard to find the time with a young, busy family.
We will get another horse some day. But for now, it's just Mister and the goats. Mister isn't too fond of that idea, but he'll get used to it, and I have plans for a lot of liberty training with him. I think he will do great. :)
With the price we were able to get for Penny, the kids school curriculum is paid for, and we are able to get the rest of the stuff for installing our wood stove!I'm really excited for both. We changed up our curriculum a little this year. After learning a lot from our first year of homeschool we have decided to build a custom curriculum off of amazon.com. We did a combination of the Timberdoodle program and Ambleside.
Here are the books we are getting for Elijah's first grade and Katie's kindergarten. (contains affiliate links)
Elijah and Katie will be studying history, science and geography together, but they have their own lessons for everything else. For history and geography we are going to mainly be using fiction and non-fiction reading. I think that will develop more of their own curiosity for those subjects. That is what we are focusing on more in these early years, developing a love and a fascination for learning. I'm really excited for this year, I think it's going to be great. :)
Happy days all!
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